Creating the Next Normal: Edition 01

Creating the Next Normal: Edition 01

What's changed, what's changing and what will change next.

Many leaders are putting every moment into reacting to the day-to-day. They’re making massive decisions with no time to consider the long term.

To help you tackle both now and the future, we’ve created Creating the Next Normal. As our strategic foresight practice tracks how the Next Normal shifts and unfolds, we’ll prepare a regular collection of signals of change and scenarios for the future, covering three critical dimensions:

  1. What’s changed, so you can make decisions that fit the future.
  2. What’s changing, so you can influence what happens next.
  3. What will change, so you can prepare or pre-empt.

In this edition: Remote work is just the surface. What’s really happened is The End of Digital Prejudice. Plus, from immunity passports to anonymous smartphone contact tracing, the lines defining Bio-Status are already being drawn.

Get the PDF here.


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